When You Don’t Recognize God

Blog, MourningMeds

“If you can’t see His way past the tears, trust His heart.” – Charles Spurgeon It is one thing to have wounds inflicted by an enemy, another by your closest friend. At times I felt betrayed by God in grief.  Why God? Why did you allow it?  It’s been a year and a half since […]


What’s Wrong with the World

Blog, MourningMeds

This great world in all its beauty and glory was created for the glory of God and for our pleasure and enjoyment. We were placed in it to enjoy it and to have the riches of God surround us, astound us and mystify us. All of the world’s beauty and benefits were to be poured […]


Fighting the Good Fight


“Receive every inward and outward trouble, every disappointment, pain, uneasiness, temptation, darkness and desolation with both hands as a true opportunity and blessed occasion of dying to self and entering into fuller fellowship with thy self-denying and suffering. Savior. Look at no inward or outward trouble in any other way. Reject every other thought about […]


Beware of Little Sins

Devotional, MorningMeds

“It is easier to keep the enemy out than it is to expel him after he has gained entrance.” – Author Unknown Charles Spurgeon preached a sermon entitled  Little Sins on April 17, 1859.   It’s a warning about the danger of little sins in our lives. How we have a tendency to let them slide […]


He is There


“Converse much with Christ…Delight to walk with him, to meet him, to view his beauty, to hear his voice, to taste his sweetness. Take all occasions to present yourselves before him. Depart not out of his presence, until he smiles and he speaks kindly to your heart. Stay until he reveals his presence by impressions, […]


Remembering Ms. Hazel


March 7, 1983 – February 3, 2014 There were so many things I loved about Ms. Hazel that I am going to miss. I loved her ornery personality. She was inspirational in her good-humored orneriness. She loved to instigate and rile people up in a fun, playful, good-natured way. I loved her quick wittedness. You […]


Speak to My Heart


Speak to my heart, Lord Jesus, Speak that my soul may hear; Speak to my heart, Lord Jesus, Calm ev’ry doubt and fear. Speak to my heart, oh, speak to my heart, Speak to my heart, I pray; Yielded and still, seeking Thy will, Oh, speak to my heart today.   It’s strange how verses […]


Standing on the Promises


“You are my hiding place; you will protect me from trouble and surround me with songs of deliverance.” – Psa 32:7 Just a few more days before my last day at work after almost 15 years. Not sure what I’m going to do next.  There use to be a time when I would be absolutely […]


Dealing with Death’s Debris

Blog, MourningMeds

I recently went to Moore, OK with a small team from my workplace to spend a day helping with the disaster relief from the tornado that swept through it on May 20th. Several of us who were assigned field work, spent the entire day working in a large field right on the edge of the […]


Stepping Heavenward

MourningMeds, Quotes

I recently ran across a passage that I had marked from one of my favorite books called Stepping Heavenward by Elizabeth Prentiss. I don’t read two many novels, but this was one that I ran across that I have bought copies of and insisted it was mandatory reading for my girl friends. You can actually […]
