Porch Light

Devotional, Wednesday Woman

“If we walk in the light, as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another…” 1 John 1:7 Dear Father, Last weekend You taught me another life lesson. I went on a weekend ‘get-away’ but then I began to wonder just what it was that I was getting away from. Did I […]



Devotional, Wednesday Woman

“I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life…” Deuteronomy 30:19 Dear Father, As my eyes open this morning in my still darkened bedroom, I am presented with choices. Your outstretched hand offers life and the world’s close-fisted hand offers curses. It would seem obvious that I would be a […]



Devotional, Wednesday Woman

“There before me was a throne…” Revelation 4:2 Awesome, Powerful, Almighty, Everlasting God, How do I approach Your throne? You who sit surrounded by an emerald rainbow so magnificent, my far-flung imagination cannot even begin to capture the image. Lightning and peals of thunder exploding in seismic quakes, colors I’ve yet to discover radiating with […]



Devotional, Wednesday Woman

“There before me was a throne…” Revelation 4:2 Awesome, Powerful, Almighty, Everlasting God, How do I approach Your throne? You who sit surrounded by an emerald rainbow so magnificent, my far-flung imagination cannot even begin to capture the image. Lightning and peals of thunder exploding in seismic quakes, colors I’ve yet to discover radiating with […]



Devotional, Wednesday Woman

“He sent forth His word and healed them.” Psalm 107:20 My Father, Thank You for Your healing word. You send it forth from Your holy lips to my heart. Help me take it in. To open up my mouth, breathe and swallow Your prescription for me. Let it go down deep, seeping into the very […]


Beautiful to Him

Devotional, Wednesday Woman

She sits in gym class, eyes cast down and hair falling forward. Wishing she could be like  ‘them’ but knowing that her hand-me-down tennis shoes and shorts embroidered with another?s name will be her future. Forever living in someone else?s clothes but wishing she could live in someone else?s body. Chips and sodas add pounds […]



Devotional, Wednesday Woman

“Lord, the one you love is sick.” John 11:3 Dear Father, My mind keeps wandering to the bedside of two people. My prayers echo those of my sisters from long ago, “Lord, the one you love is sick.” One is so sick we’ve been told that he will probably be with you before this day […]



Devotional, Wednesday Woman

“Wisdom is supreme; therefore get wisdom.” Proverbs 4:7 Father, Sometimes life can just be overwhelming. I have been in such a harried form that recently going into a Christian bookstore almost left me in a state of panic. I am in need of answers to some difficult questions and guidance for a rough journey ahead. […]



Devotional, Wednesday Woman

“In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path.” Proverbs 3:6 Dear Father, How patient You are with the way I pray. Thank You. Many of my prayers are like orders placed at a fast-food window. I drive up, squawk something into the box, move forward to the pick-up window, receive my […]



Devotional, Wednesday Woman

The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of His hands. Psalm 19:1 O Lord, You are magnificent, marvelous, mighty and beyond description of human words! Your glory sparkled this morning as I lifted my eyes to the heavens. Stepping out into the dark predawn morning I could not help but […]
