The Distant Shore

MorningMeds, Poetry

Upon the shore       Of Evermore, We sport, like children at their play;       And gather shells       Where sinks and swells  The mighty sea from far away.         Upon that beach,         Nor voice nor speech Doth things intelligible say;         But through our souls          A whisper rolls, That comes to us from […]


One Saturday Morning

MorningMeds, Poetry

“The Bible is alive, it speaks to me; it has feet, it runs after me; it has hands, it lays hold of me.” – Martin Luther I saw the word of God move today    as I studied and memorized a pageI glanced around     but a witness could not be found          to see the words display […]


Wasted Bread

Bible Study

“Cast your bread upon the waters.” – Ecc. 11:1 Bread is the substance by which we live. It is our livelihood. It is our future. It is the stuff on which we survive. Generally, we would hold onto it, put it back, and protect it as provision for ourselves and our families. However, here we […]


The Waves and the Wind


“Silly, foolish wave, why do you come so far? Do you once again forget who you are? Upon the sands of the shore you do not belong. Why do you so wastefully pour yourself out upon it all day long?” “Is it merely to be seen, that you throw yourself upon the world’s shore? Showing […]


How to Read the Bible

Blog, MorningMeds, Quotes

I heard a great quote while listening to the audio book Rediscovering Holiness by J.I. Packer Think of Jesus each time you read your bible. Think of him asking you page by page and chapter by chapter what you have just learned about the need, nature, method and fact of the grace he brings and […]


The Discipline of Godly Conversation

Book Reviews, Writing

I finished a good book a few weeks ago called ‘Godly Conversation: Rediscovering the Puritan Practice of Conference’ by Joanne J Jung. In this book Joanne emphasis the spiritual discipline of conference that the Puritans would regularly practice for spiritual growth. It stressed the importance and need for regular, intentional godly conversations in our Christian […]
