Turning Pages


There is something about holding a well-worn Bible in your hands that no digital app can ever replicate. The creased leather, softened by time and touch. The thin, fragile pages, crinkled at the corners where your fingers have frequently lingered. The scent,  mixture of old paper, ink, and perhaps a hint of the places where […]


Ejection Day Prayer Focus


Today is Election Day, a day that stirs a unique blend of hope, anxiety, and expectation. As Christians, we gather not merely in support of political platforms or candidates, but in the recognition of a deeper, more sovereign reality: God Himself reigns over the affairs of nations. Our prayers should, therefore, align not just with […]


Christian Movies and Humanism


In recent years, the rise of “Christian” movies has been both a blessing and a concern for the Church. While the intention behind creating faith-based films is noble, to spread the Gospel and uplift believers, the execution often misses the mark. Many of these films, rather than exalting the majesty and sovereignty of God, have […]


The Reluctant Blogger


In a world where self-promotion is celebrated and platforms are eagerly sought after, there is a stark difference between those who rush to build a following and those who, like myself, approach publishing with hesitation. It can feel more like an act of vulnerability than an opportunity for influence. The pressure to have a presence, […]


The Dangers of the “Self-Love” Doctrine

Blog, MorningMeds

I was scrolling through Facebook the other day and ran across a meme with lots of thumbs up and comments encouraging the idea that “self-love” is the key to loving others. This foolish and empty talk has continued to gain significant approval in social media.  The prevailing message is that you cannot truly love others […]


Testing the Spirit of God in Our Daily Interactions

Blog, MorningMeds

Today our world is filled with streams of content bombarding us from all angles, endless conversations, tweets, comments, constant interactions, discerning what is of the Spirit of God and what is not can seem daunting. Yet, 1 John 4:1 urges us to be watchful, to test the spirits, and to walk in the Spirit. This […]


What am I Practicing to Become?

Blog, MorningMeds

“Your whole life ought to be disciplined (i.e., structured, set up, organized, and running day by day) toward the goal of godliness. Everything that happens and everything that you do should contribute something toward reaching that goal. Monday through Saturday, not only Sunday, you must move toward the goal, one step, or two steps or […]


‘God Winks’ or Divine Providence


In recent years, a trend has emerged to refer to instances of God’s providence as “God winks.” This term, popularized by author Squire Rushnell in his book series, suggests that these are moments when God subtly reveals His presence and involvement in our lives, often through coincidental or chance events. While the term “God winks” […]
