Meditative Bible Study – How to use Questions and Journals for Spiritual Growth

Bible Study Resources, Blog / Saturday, June 8th, 2024

Meditating on Scripture is a cornerstone of our spiritual walk. One effective method to supplement your daily Bible reading is by asking questions as you read and journaling your responses. This habit  encourages meditation on God’s Word and aids in increasing understanding and personal application of your daily reading.

Questions are powerful tools that drive us to think critically and reflect deeply. When reading the Bible, asking questions can help illuminate passages that may initially seem obscure or difficult to understand. Here are a few types of questions to consider. Copy them to the inside of your bible cover or your designated journal so you can refer to them easily and frequently.

    1. What is the main message or theme of this passage? Summarize the key point or central idea of the text.
    2. What does this passage reveal about God’s character? Identify attributes of God, such as His love, justice, mercy, or sovereignty.
    3. How does this passage point to Christ? Look for references, foreshadowing, or direct mentions of Jesus and His work.
    4.  What promises or commands are given in this passage? Note any specific promises God makes or commands He gives.
    5.  How does this passage convict me of sin and lead me to repentance? Reflect on areas where the text highlights personal sin and the need for repentance.
    6.  How can I apply the truths of this passage to my life today? Think of practical ways to live out the principles taught in the scripture.
    7.  What does this passage teach me about my relationship with others? Consider how the text guides your interactions with family, friends, and community.
    8. What prayers can I draw from this passage? Formulate prayers of praise, confession, thanksgiving, or supplication based on the passage.
    9.  How does this passage encourage or comfort me? Identify aspects of the text that bring reassurance or hope.
    10.  What questions do I have about this passage? Note any unclear aspects or points you’d like to study further or ask someone about.
    11. How does this passage fit into the broader context of the Bible? Understand how the passage relates to the surrounding chapters, books, or overall biblical narrative.
    12. Who can I share the insights from this passage with today? Think of someone who might benefit from hearing about what you’ve learned.

Journaling your responses to these questions is a great practice. It enhances your Bible study in several ways:

  • Encourages Meditation. Writing down your thoughts slows you down, allowing you to ponder and meditate on the Word. Psalm 1:2 speaks of the blessed man whose delight is in the law of the Lord, and who meditates on His law day and night. Journaling encourages meditation and remembering.
  • Clarifies Understanding. Putting thoughts into words forces clarity. As you write, you may find that your understanding of a passage becomes sharper and more precise. It also helps identify any areas of confusion that you can further study or research.
  • Records Spiritual Growth. Journaling creates a written record of your spiritual journey. Looking back, you can see how your understanding and application of Scripture have increased. This record can be a source of encouragement and a testimony of God’s work in your life.
  • Enhances Prayer Life. Writing prayers in response to your Bible reading can deepen your prayer life. It makes your prayers more intentional and specific, aligning them closely with Scripture.
  • Adds Accountability.  Sharing your journal with a trusted friend or mentor can provide accountability. Discussing your insights and questions with others can also offer new perspectives and deepen your understanding.

How can you get started? Just four very simple but critical steps are necessary to create a consistent journaling routine to go with your daily bible study.

  1. Choose a Regular Time. Consistency is key. Set aside a specific time each day for your Bible reading and journaling, use an alarm or reminder app to encourage consistency.
  2. Use a Dedicated Journal.  Having a dedicated journal for your Bible reflections keeps everything organized and in one place. Use a journal format that you love. It can be a hard bound blank pages, or it can be a popular app or software program based on preference or even an electronic notebook. I have tried all over the years but have always came back to my old hard bound journal. I don’t know what it is. Just a personal preference, I suppose. I love the convenience of electronic and syncing and copying and pasting ideas that come to me but something about that old faithful journal and my favorite pen keeps calling me back to it.
  3. Start Small.  Begin with a few questions and short entries. As you become more comfortable, your reflections can grow deeper and more comprehensive. Start with a goal of 15 mins and 100 words summarizing what you read or writing a prayer concerning what you read.
  4. Pray for Insight Ask the Holy Spirit to guide your reading and writing, opening your eyes to the truths of Scripture. God’s Spirit will guide us into all truth. In faith, remind God to keep his promise in which you have placed your hope, to gain understanding over todays passage. Proverbs promises us that he who cries out for his insight and understanding will be satisfied.

Adding questions and journaling into your daily Bible reading will help you grow spiritually. Too often we read so quickly, that we are unable to retain and remember what we had read that very morning which makes us very difficult to “be a doer of the word and not a hearer only deceiving ourselves.” We must read habitually, humbly, expectantly,  meditatively and prayerfully if we would extract the riches of God’s wisdom from his word for our daily use.

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