Psalms 46 Our Storm Shelter

Bible Study

“We sing this Psalm to the praise of God, because God is with us, and powerfully and miraculously preserves and defends his church and his word, against all fanatical spirits, against the gates of hell, against the implacable hatred of the devil, and against all the assaults of the world, the flesh and sin.” – […]


Psalms 40 Pitstops

Bible Study

Which would you rather have, a smooth path or a path so rough that the Lord is compelled to show His face to you every step of the way?” – George V. Wigner Last week Penny had mentioned that we should study the Psalm that corresponds with our age. It was a fun statement because […]


Psalm 32 The Proper Disposal of Sin

Bible Study

There are some things you just can’t throw away in the garbage. They have to be disposed of properly because they contain hazardous materials such as chemicals that harm the environment when buried. Aerosol containers, paint thinners, old paint cans, chemical bottles, medications, batteries. These are things we can’t just throw in the garbage. They […]


Psalm 23 The Lord is My Shepherd

Bible Study

Psalm 23 is so beloved and familiar that you probably don’t even need to open our Bibles to it in order to study it because you know it by heart. It is a popular reading at funerals, during crisis and in times of depression. When we started the book of Psalms, we talked about how […]
