Art Bows to God

Devotional, MorningMeds

“Let those who have felt this double effect of the Spirit’s teaching bear witness to the marvelous result. The Bible becomes a transformed book. It was before the best of all books, but it is now the Book of God—a chamber of disclosed mysteries—a house of many mansions, in which new doors constantly open into […]


Beware of Little Sins

Devotional, MorningMeds

“It is easier to keep the enemy out than it is to expel him after he has gained entrance.” – Author Unknown Charles Spurgeon preached a sermon entitled  Little Sins on April 17, 1859.   It’s a warning about the danger of little sins in our lives. How we have a tendency to let them slide […]


Abandoned By God

Devotional, MorningMeds

My husband and I went to watch ‘Prometheus’ earlier this year. I’ve never been much of an ‘Aliens’ fan but I did find the premise behind it quite interesting. It was one in which man goes in search of God, in the case of this movie “the gods” to discover why he has been created. […]



Devotional, Wednesday Woman

  A storm, a dark terrible storm, has engulfed my life and swallowed up my family. It was sudden and furiously swift. These past days have been violent and relentless. My heart has been in my throat so much that breathing has sometimes been painful. I have cried from a place so deep in my […]



Devotional, MorningMeds

I’ve been reading a book called Charles Spurgeon, The Great Orator by J.C. Carlile.  Something I read last night stayed with me all day today and I wanted to continue to remember it.  In recounting Spurgeon’s education, a cook is mentioned who had great influence on him. “During this time he was influenced greatly by […]


Adam, Where Are You?

Devotional, MorningMeds

I have a tendency to get lost. My husband says I have no sense of direction at all. He is right. I can have a map in my hands and still get lost.  Maps are beneficial but once you make a few wrong turns, or if you start off by holding it upside down and […]


What am I Practicing to Become?

Devotional, MorningMeds

“Your whole life ought to be disciplined (i.e., structured, set up, organized,and running day by day) toward the goal of godliness. Everything that happens and everything that you do should contribute something toward reaching that goal. Monday through Saturday, not only Sunday, you must move toward the goal, one step, or two steps or ten […]


Think of God Often

Devotional, MorningMeds

Think of God Often “Pray, remember what I have recommended to you, which is to think often on God, by day by night, in your business and even in your diversions. He is always near you and with you. Leave him not alone. You would think it rude to leave a friend alone who came […]


Adopted By God

Devotional, MorningMeds

In Chapter 19 entitled Sons of God in this same book, Knowing God, J.I. Packer talked about how difficult it is to bring an adopted child into your home and to what great lengths adoptive parents have to go in order to develop a relationship with that child. He says: “The establishing of the child’s […]
