I Want To Dance

MorningMeds / Saturday, January 24th, 2009

Giving up on ballroom dancing was easy. Trying to count, stay in rhythm, remember new steps, maintain frame and differentiate between my left and my right at the same time, [yes, I still struggle with this] was difficult. But the hardest thing for me to learn in ballroom dancing was allowing my husband to take the lead.

This was frustrating for the both of us. He would often stop and tell me I was leading again but I was clueless to what he was referring to. I couldn’t understand when I was taking over.

 Apparently I wasn’t the only one because our dance instructor had us all do an exercise to help us women learn to let the man lead. We were told to stand facing our partner and to place the palms of our hands against his chest. Keeping our arms straight and firm, we were to create a solid frame between us. If our arms were limp, they wouldn’t be able to push us forward when they stepped towards us. Instead they would run into us and step on our toes. Once we were in position we were then to close our eyes and wait.

 We were not to move until we felt them move. When they moved, they literally pushed us backwards as they stepped forward. We naturally followed performing our dance step. When they stopped, we stopped. When they stepped backwards, we stepped forward maintaining contact and matching their rhythm. We were not to anticipate their next move. We were not to open our eyes to peak or worry about where we were going or who we might bump into. It was their job to steer and guide us around the dance floor. We were simply to keep our eyes closed and relax, following their movements through the palms of our hands against their chest.

 As my husband waltzed me across the dance floor with my eyes closed, I could finally see what it meant to follow. I wasn’t fighting against him, or stepping ahead of him. Instead I was intently waiting to feel his movement so I could move with him and stay in step.

 How greatly this modeled my struggle to allow God to lead in my life. Many times I thought I was following him only to find in the end that I had been leading myself. I had stepped out of rhythm by rushing forward. Or I had stubbornly held back in fear when he was gently trying to push me forward.

 If only I could apply this same principle in my relationship with Christ; practicing closing my eyes and learning to trust him by waiting to feel His movement instead of rushing forward in anticipation or stubbornly holding back in fear. Because it is when I quit anticipating and stand still, that He moves me. When I close my eyes and wait, I relinquish myself to His control. I’m not distracted. I’m not anticipating. I’m totally dependent and focused on sensing His movements, not mine. My only concern is maintaining contact with him, not worrying about direction.

 He steers and guides me around the obstacles. He determines our timing, and develops our rhythm, when we step forward & when we step back. I am simply to trust him by yielding and resting and following his lead, feeling his movements through his spirit pressing against mine. His sweetness drawing me toward him as he steps away. His passion for truth and love for his people pressing me forward, overcoming my fears.

 When we allow God to guide us, by closing our eyes, resting in his work and power, waiting for his movement so we can follow; he patiently and lovingly teaches us to dance with him, adding both rhythm and beauty into our lives.

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