
Devotional, Wednesday Woman / Sunday, September 6th, 2009

“In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path.”
Proverbs 3:6

Dear Father,
How patient You are with the way I pray. Thank You. Many of my prayers are like orders placed at a fast-food window. I drive up, squawk something into the box, move forward to the pick-up window, receive my order and speed off. Yes, that describes my prayer life at times. A need will arise and instantly I pull up to You, bleat out my needs and never listen to Your response. I am too busy driving to the pick-up window so I can get my request and speed off hurriedly down the road of life only to fuss when I look in the bag and realize I did not receive what I ordered. Later on I wonder why I don.t feel close to You. Where.s the fellowship we once shared? And then Your faithful word speaks to me, ¡°be still and know.¡± A squawk-box relationship is not what You have in mind for me but I get so distracted that is often what happens. Fast prayers from a to-go menu will never substitute for dining at Your table. Father, I want to know You and that means I need to slow down and spend time with You. Help me sit at Your feet and listen. In most of my prayers I do all the chattering and don.t take time to listen to You. Maybe I just need some prayers where I don.t say anything at all except .holy, You are holy, awesome God.. This morning I was chewing on the verse in Proverbs that says, ¡°In all your ways acknowledge Him¡¦” I paused on that word .acknowledge.. It means to take notice of or recognize. Do I recognize Jesus in all my ways? Do I take notice of Him while I do my housework, shop for groceries, drive to work? If I slowed down, got still more often, I would see Jesus in my everyday life. I would hear Him tell me ¡°this is the way, walk in it.¡± That is the kind of relationship I desire Father. Please move me from this immature way of praying and lead me into a richer conversation time with You. Help me share my thoughts, dreams, hopes, and needs with You. But help me to listen for Your response and know that Your response is the right one, the best one, the only one for me. Amen.

Quietly before You,

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