
Devotional, Wednesday Woman / Saturday, October 3rd, 2009

“He sent forth His word and healed them.” Psalm 107:20

My Father,
Thank You for Your healing word. You send it forth from Your holy lips to my heart. Help me take it in. To open up my mouth, breathe and swallow Your prescription for me. Let it go down deep, seeping into the very marrow of my bones. Heal me. Heal my wounds of long ago and the fresh injuries of today. Your word is medicine to me. Sometimes it goes down sweet and smooth and is so comforting. Other times it is like bitter elixir that burns in my throat. I have to force myself to swallow, bypassing the gag reflex that does not want to cooperate. But once Your powerful word gets into my system I begin to heal. Your word coats the inside of my soul and the nausea of life starts to fade. It is like balm to the burning blisters on my bare-foot heart soothing and easing the pain. Your word fortifies my faith stronger than any vitamin, inoculates me from bitterness better than any immunization, clears my stuffy self-righteousness, brings moisture to my chapped dry spirit, and eases the dull aching of just plain old weariness. Infiltrate my veins with Your powerful life-giving words for they energize and invigorate me. Make me absolutely dependent on You. Make me an addict for Jesus, the living Word, so much that my soul cries ‘more, more, more of Jesus’! That Word is alive and active in me and I praise You Jehovah Rapha, my Healer! Amen.

Love from Your forever child.


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