My Grandmother’s Heart

Devotional / Tuesday, November 23rd, 2010

Do you know why I loved my grandmother so much?
Because she loved me first! Just as Jesus loved us first!
She showed me the unconditional, sacrificial love of Christ!
His love was there in her gentle hands.
Hands that never harmed me;
That touched me and held me with affection and joy.
His love was there in her soft, soothing voice.
A voice that was never raised in anger,
But was always filled with such sweet laughter
When she called me “Kaye-Kaye”, a name only she called me.
His love was there in her patient understanding.
His love was there in her compassion and tenderness.
His love was there in her kindness;
A kindness that radiated from her like endless waves on a sandy beach.
But most of all, His love was there in her eyes.
Eyes that had seen life, love and laughter.
Eyes that had seen heartache, pain and rejection.
Eyes that had seen the cruelty of this world and the ravages of sin.
Yet, there was no malice there.
No anger. No bitterness. No rage.
There was only a deep well of living water pouring out of her eyes,
Washing over me like a warm spring rain.
Soothing. Refreshing. Loving.
My grandmother had a peace and a joy
That surrounded her like a bright, shining cloud,
Even when she was sad, lonely or hurt.
Do you know why I loved my grandmother so much?
Because she had Jesus living in her heart!

Elma Jones, My Beloved Grandmother
September 1897 to October 1984
‘Some Glad Day’
Elma Jones
Copyright 1954

There’s a bright and happy land,
Far beyond this mortal strand,
And for all the saved a bright eternal home;
There, the ransomed we shall meet
And our joys will be complete,
Not a sorrow to that land can ever come.
O happy we shall be when our Savior’s face we see;
And the cares and toils of this vain life are o’er,
Praise we’ll shout about the throne,
Where no death is ever known,
When the saints shall gather on that blissful shore.
Some glad day, some happy day,
All the saints shall be united on that shore,
We shall sing the Savior’s praise,
Thru unnumbered cloudless days,
Glory be to Him both now and evermore.

My grandmother was born September 26, 1897. Incidentally, 61 years later, I was born on the same day! As my first birthday present, she gave me my name and also nicknamed me “Kay-Kay”.

I was first attracted to Jesus because of my grandmother’s life and love, her influence and prayers, her love of Christ and His word. I remember sitting next to her in church and singing hymns (I don’t think I could sing then, either!). ‘The Old Rugged Cross’ comes to mind when I think of her; my sister, Rosemary, says that the hymn ‘What A Friend We Have In Jesus’ reminds her of grandmother.

I remember summer trips to the Farmer’s Market downtown and helping her can peaches and slice them up by the bushel for Peach Pies (Yum)! But her best, by far, was the fried Apricot Pies (Oh my!); I can almost smell them, hot and fresh, in her kitchen!

The summer before my 13th birthday, Grandma, Grandpa and my Uncle Leon took me on a trip with them to Georgia to visit my Aunt and Uncle and their children. I loved every minute of that trip! I did not want the summer to ever end! I was so glad to have been included. We all had so much fun!

Everyone who knew my grandmother would agree that she had a deep, abiding love for Jesus; it showed in her eyes, her face was radiant with it. She had a gentle laugh and a ready smile. She taught me so much that cannot be expressed in words; about love, patience, kindness and joy in Christ. I know that she loved me unconditionally and completely and that she prayed for me (all of us) tirelessly.

But it is only now, as an adult, that I realize all the gifts she left me. All the ways that she loved Christ is her legacy to me.

My dear, sweet grandmother went on to be with Jesus on October 12, 1984, at the age of 88.

She is terribly missed, yet I am very sure that she is very glad to be where she is! I love her with my whole heart and I am looking forward, with great anticipation, to seeing her in heaven! I can’t wait!

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It’s nice to meet you.

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