
Devotional, Wednesday Woman / Wednesday, January 12th, 2011

“To proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor and

the day of vengeance of our God…” Isaiah 61:2

Dear Father,

This year has started off with a bang and I could use a year of your favor. That sounds mighty fine to me. Even the word ‘favor’ brings a sunny smile to my soul. It just makes me feel special or favorite. But stopping to really ponder these words I sense a thought I have never considered before. The year of the Lord’s favor began one afternoon a long time ago on a bloody cross. Yes, there was the favor of God coming to man to spare us from the vengeance our sinful souls deserve. And the favor continues to all who will bow the knee and seek your salvation. You give a year of favor and only a day of vengeance. Your grace is abundant and your mercy is deep. We are still in that ‘year’ and the favor keeps coming down. The favor of keeping me out of eternal hell, the favor of your presence in my life, and the favor of being with you forever in heaven – yes, this truly is the year of the Lord’s favor. But who could stand your vengeance? No one. How drastic that vengeance must be and you are so patient and loving to withhold it. However, as you have so clearly stated, it will come – it will surely come. There will come a day when the books will be closed, the door shut and judgment will begin. Heavenly Father, remind us anew to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor to the lost. Help us remember this life is so temporal and eternity is forever and is always just a breath away. Give us a proclaiming tongue while there is still time… before the day of vengeance. You are so merciful, so loving, and so gracious. I praise you out loud!



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